The Challenge
Softcat required cost-effective, reliable internet connectivity for their customer. The end-user is a social business founded in Edinburgh, tackling homelessness through programs offering homes, jobs and food with wrap-around support. They had opened a new coffee shop in London, offering employment and free food to individuals without stable housing. Recognizing that offering customer Wi-Fi encourages people to visit and spend more time in the coffee shop, the business decided to install wireless internet access.
A fixed-line internet connection was too costly and the installation lead time was 12 months. The social business needed a cost-effective and reliable solution that was easy and fast to deploy.
The Jola Solution
Working collaboratively with Softcat, Jola provided the mobile data for this opportunity. To ensure the coffee shop can use as much data as needed, 5G Mobile Broadband Data SIMs are utilised on an unlimited tariff. These 5G data SIMs allow customers to connect to the fastest local speeds. By partnering with Softcat, this combined solution directly addresses the need for internet access for all.