Jola recently added competitively-priced CityFibre products to their quoting tool. Partners enter a postcode, select an address and receive best pricing on all available products from BTW, Virgin Media, Talk Talk, CityFibre, Virtual 1, Vaioni, Colt, Vodafone, and SSE. In addition to the usual ADSL failover products, Jola added a unique 4G failover solution, thatRead more…
For applications where it is critical to have a strong 4G internet connection at all times, businesses are opting for multi-network roaming SIMs. These SIM cards have no preferred network, therefore always connect to the strongest 4G signal. They offer exceptional reliability and coverage but until recently have been difficult to manage and expensive toRead more…
Joseph Kirk shares our passion for automation. He designed our internal systems at Jola and developed our automated quoting and ordering tools for partners. He made it easy for partners to log-in, find information, run quotes and place orders. When working on the partner-facing tools, he wanted to monitor usage using Google Analytics to getRead more…
Companies using 4G as a back-up to primary services or where FTTC is not available are looking for cost-effective fixed IP SIMs, that are easy to manage. Jola launched Vodafone Fixed IP SIMs back in September has now added EE to their portfolio. Jola’s ethos is to provide the widest range of carrier options atRead more…