
Jola launches Fixed IP Failover SIMs

Catastrophic failure often effects multiple services going into a building, so a fixed line back-up to a primary internet connection has never been the best way to ensure business continuity. The alternative, mobile data, has been slow and expensive with only dynamic IP options on offer. Customers have had to estimate the amount of dataRead more…

Jola launches JolaNet 4G

According to a recent report by Ofcom, 90% of all UK premises (almost 26 million) can access up to 24Mb/s fixed line broadband, however there are at least 190,000 premises that can’t get 2Mb/s and 2.2 million premises that can’t get 10Mb/s. Where the LTE signal is strong, 4G data is a great solution, howeverRead more…

Jola launches Fixed IP SIMs

According to a recent report by IDC, the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) is growing exponentially due to several simultaneous new developments: leaps in innovation around computing, storage and analytics; falling technology costs; and a sharp jump in mobile device use. They predict that by 2020, there will be 28 billion connected units globallyRead more…

Jola is shortlisted in two categories at the CNA Awards

Jola was recently listed as a finalist in two categories at the 16th Comms National Awards. The awards recognise quality across the voice and data channel for both vendors and resellers. Jola was listed as a finalist in Best Wholesale Service Provider (up to £10m) and Best Partner Portal for Mobile Manager. “We are absolutely delightedRead more…